About DAHL

Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy

Privacy Policy - Insolvency proceedings, including bankruptcies, reconstructions, debt settlements and insolvent estates

Privacy Policy - Bankruptcy proceedings

1. Information about the processing of personal data

Your data security is important to us, and we therefore take great care to ensure that your personal data is handled responsibly. Below you can read how DAHL Advokatpartnerselskab (hereinafter DAHL, "we", "us" or "our") processes personal data about you when we act as data controller. You can also read about your rights in relation to our processing.

2. DAHL's role as a data controller

DAHL is responsible for the processing of personal data that DAHL processes in the context of insolvency cases, including bankruptcies, reconstructions, debt settlements and insolvent estates (hereinafter referred to as insolvency cases), where an employee of DAHL is appointed by the probate court as a trustee, reconstruction administrator, assistant receiver or receiver, respectively.

If you have any questions regarding our processing of your personal data, please contact DAHL here: 

DAHL Advokatpartnerselskab
Lundborgvej 18
DK-8800 Viborg

Central Business Reg. No. (CVR) 37 31 00 85

If you are a debtor, creditor, owner, heir or employee in relation to the insolvency proceedings in question, this means the following for you:

3. What personal data we collect and why

During insolvency proceedings, DAHL will process information about the debtor and the company's material. This material may contain personal data, such as information on the debtor's and/or the company's debtors, creditors and employees in the form of name, address and information on any debt, etc. The material may also contain information on civil registration numbers, e-mail addresses and telephone numbers.

DAHL processes the data in the course of the proceedings, including the recovery of claims, the protection of the interests of the bankruptcy estate, the identification and sale of assets, the operation of the bankrupt company, the investigation of any voidable or actionable conduct, etc.

DAHL may also obtain personal data from publicly available sources, including from social media, public databases and from third parties, where required as part of the insolvency proceedings. You can also provide DAHL with personal data yourself, either in writing, orally or during court hearings.

In addition, if we find that electronic materials – including emails and files ­– have been deleted, we will have the material restored and will review the material as part of the case.

In general, DAHL only processes general personal data in the context of the insolvency proceedings, but may also process sensitive personal data and personal data relating to criminal convictions and offences.

DAHL processes the personal data solely for the purpose of facilitating the processing of the case pursuant to the relevant provisions of the Danish Bankruptcy Act.

The processing of your personal data in the context of the insolvency proceedings is based on Article 6(1)(c) of the General Data Protection Regulation.

The processing of data relating to the criminal convictions and offences of debtors, owners or employees is carried out on the basis of Article 8(3) of the Danish Data Protection Act, cf. Article 10 of the General Data Protection Regulation, as the processing is necessary for the processing of the insolvency proceedings.

The processing of civil registration numbers is based on Article 11(2)(1) and/or (4), including Article 9(2)(f) of the General Data Protection Regulation.

In addition, DAHL may process personal data relating to employees of the bankrupt company in connection with insolvency proceedings – for example in connection with continued operations. In this context, DAHL may process personal data about employees for the purpose of managing the employees' employment relationship, for the payment of salary and in relation to the Employee' Guarantee Fund. Therefore, we process general personal data about these employees' master data, including name, address, date of birth, email address, etc. There may also be cases where we process sensitive personal data, including health data and information on trade union matters for the purposes of managing the employment. 

The processing of data relating to the employment relationship of employees is carried out in accordance with Articles 7 and 12 of the Danish Data Protection Act and Article 9(2)(b) of the General Data Protection Regulation, cf. Articles 6(1)(b) and 6(1)(c). The processing of this information is necessary for any decision on taking up employment, handling any salary claims by employees, clarifying the legal position in relation to employment law (including the Danish Act on Sickness Benefits) and compliance with the employment contract with employees when they take up employment.

4. Disclosure of your personal data to others

DAHL only discloses personal data to the extent necessary for the processing of the insolvency proceedings or where DAHL is obliged to do so. 

In the context of the insolvency proceedings, it may be necessary to disclose personal data to the following recipients (the list is not exhaustive):

  • The courts
  • The Employees' Guarantee Fund
  • Pledgees, creditors, credit reference agencies
  • Liaison lawyers representing DAHL in court
  • Carriers, locksmiths, workmen and similar, valuation experts and auditors which DAHL may engage as part of the process
  • Tax administration office and/or the police
  • Landlords, trading partners, suppliers or others who must be notified of the insolvency proceedings
  • Auction houses that are to handle the sale of assets
  • Approved debt collection consultants
  • Potential buyers
  • Public authorities, including the Danish Board of Agriculture, the Danish Business Authority, etc.

5. Retention period, data integrity and security

Your personal data will not be kept longer than is necessary for the purpose. When your data is no longer needed, we will ensure that it is deleted in a secure manner.

As a general rule, DAHL will keep your personal data for 10 years after the insolvency proceedings have been finally terminated in order to take account of any liability claims made in connection with the insolvency proceedings. The storage period may, however, in specific circumstances be shorter or longer.

It is our policy to protect personal data by taking adequate technical and organisational security measures. We have implemented security measures to ensure data protection for all personal data that we process. We conduct regular internal follow-ups on the adequacy of and compliance with policies and measures.

6. Your rights

As a data subject, you have certain rights under the General Data Protection Regulation. If you want to exercise your rights, please contact us.

If our processing of your personal data is based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. However, please be aware that this does not take effect until the time of such withdrawal. Consequently, it does not affect the legality of our processing of your personal data until the time when you withdraw your consent.

Your rights also include the following: 

  • Right of access: You have the right to access the personal data we process about you.
  • Right to rectification: You have the right to obtain rectification of any inaccurate and incomplete personal data about you.
  • Right to erasure (right to be forgotten): In exceptional cases, you have the right to obtain erasure of information about you before the time when we would normally delete your data.
  • Right to restriction of processing: In certain situations, you have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data. If you have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data, we may only process personal data in the future – apart from storage – with your consent, or for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims, or to protect an individual or important public interests.
  • Right to object: In certain situations, you have the right to object to our processing of your personal data, and always if the processing is for direct marketing purposes.
  • Right to data portability: In certain situations, you have the right to receive your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to have those personal data transferred from one data controller to another.
  • Right to lodge a complaint: You can lodge a complaint at any time with the Danish Data Protection Authority about our processing of personal data. See more at datatilsynet.dk/english where you can also find further information on your rights as a data subject.

7. Updates

From time to time it will be necessary to update this Privacy Policy. We will review our Privacy Policy on a regular basis in order to ensure that it is updated, true and in accordance with current legislation and the principles for processing of personal data. We will publish new versions on our website www.dahllaw.dk/en.

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Hvem udsender nyhedsbrevet?

Nyhedsbrevet er en service, der udbydes af DAHL Advokatpartnerselskab. Vores fulde kontaktoplysninger er:

DAHL Advokatpartnerselskab
Lundborgvej 18
8800 Viborg
CVR. nr.: 37 31 00 85

Du vil kun modtage markedsføringsmateriale fra DAHL Advokatpartnerselskab.

Hvilke oplysninger indsamles om mig?

DAHL Advokatpartnerselskab behandler din oplyste e-mailadresse og dit navn – dette er alt, vi behøver for at kunne sende dig nyhedsbreve. Når du via nyhedsbrevet tilmelder dig et af vores arrangementer, vil vi i nogle tilfælde ligeledes behandle oplysninger om firmanavn og telefonnummer.

Vi indsamler desuden oplysninger om din adfærd i forbindelse med din brug af nyhedsbrevet – herunder oplysninger om om vores nyhedsbrev bliver åbnet, hvor lang tid e-mailen er åben, og om der klikkes på links i nyhedsbrevet. Du skal herudover være opmærksom på, at hvis du klikker på links i nyhedsbrevet til vores hjemmeside, kan vi indsamle yderligere oplysninger om dig, hvis du accepterer, at vores hjemmeside bruger cookies. Du kan finde yderligere information om vores brug af cookies i vores cookiepolitik.

Hvad bruger vi dine oplysninger til?

Når du tilmelder dig vores nyhedsbrev, bruger vi dine oplysninger til at udsende faglige nyheder, kursus- og øvrige arrangementstilbud samt andet markedsføringsmateriale til dig. Vi kan endvidere bruge dine oplysninger til at udsende orienterende e-mails om DAHL Advokatpartnerselskab eller om vores nyhedsbrev. Vores udsendelse af nyhedsbrevet sker på grundlag af dit samtykke.

De oplysninger, vi indsamler om dig og din adfærd i forbindelse med din brug af nyhedsbrevet, anvender vi til at forbedre vores service og indhold, så vi i fremtiden kan blive endnu bedre til at målrette og tilpasse indholdet i vores nyhedsbreve efter dine interesser. Vi behandler dine personoplysninger til disse formål efter reglen i databeskyttelsesforordningens artikel 6, stk. 1, litra f. Hvis du ikke ønsker, at vi behandler dine oplysninger til disse formål, har du til enhver tid ret til at gøre indsigelse mod behandlingen.

Oplysninger om din brug af nyhedsbrevet anvender vi herudover til statistiske formål i anonymiseret form.

Dine oplysninger behandles fortroligt og sikkert

Vi opbevarer dine oplysninger fortroligt og sikkert. Vi har implementeret de fornødne tekniske og organisatoriske sikkerhedsforanstaltninger, der sikrer, at dine oplysninger hændeligt eller ulovligt tilintetgøres, fortabes eller forringes, samt mod at de kommer til uvedkommendes kendskab, misbruges eller i øvrigt behandles i strid med persondatalovgivningen.

Vi bruger en underleverandør til vores drift af IT. Vi har sikret, at vores IT-udbyder er underlagt samme forpligtelse, og at de alene handler på vores instruks.

Hvor ofte udsendes nyhedsbreve?

Vi udsender vores nyhedsbrev, når vi mener, at vi har noget vigtigt eller nyt at fortælle dig. Nyhedsbrevet udkommer ikke med faste intervaller. Det er derfor forskelligt, hvor ofte du kan forvente at modtage nyhedsbreve fra os. Vi bestræber os dog på at begrænse antallet, så vores nyhedsbreve ikke fylder hele din indbakke.

Vi videregiver ikke dine oplysninger

Vi videregiver ikke dine oplysninger til andre i kommerciel henseende. Vi videregiver kun oplysninger, hvis vi er forpligtet til det efter loven, eller hvis vi forpligtet til det efter en retskendelse.

Du kan altid rette eller ændre dine kontaktoplysninger

Du kan til enhver tid ændre eller rette i dine kontaktoplysninger (din e-mailadresse og navn) ved at afmelde dig nyhedsbrevet, og derefter tilmelde dig igen eller ved at sende en e-mail til tvc@dahllaw.dk, hvori du angiver ændringsønsker.

Det er beskrevet nedenfor, hvordan du framelder dig vores nyhedsbrev.

Du kan altid afmelde dig yderligere henvendelser

Du kan til enhver tid trække dit samtykke tilbage og framelde dig nyhedsbrevet. Når du har frameldt dig nyhedsbrevet, modtager du ikke yderligere fra os, medmindre du har givet andet samtykke til, at vi må henvende os til dig. Vi sender dig dog en bekræftelse på, at vi sletter dig fra modtagerlisten for vores nyhedsbrev, og vi sletter derefter dine oplysninger på vores modtagerliste.

Nyhedsbrevet kan afmeldes ved at klikke på linket ”afmeld nyhedsbrev”, som er indeholdt i hvert nyhedsbrev, du modtager fra os. Du kan også afmelde nyhedsbrevet ved at sende en e-mail til tvc@dahllaw.dk, hvori du oplyser dit navn og din e-mailadresse.

Hvor længe opbevarer I oplysningerne om mig?

Vi opbevarer og behandler dine oplysninger lige så længe, som du er tilmeldt vores nyhedsbrev. Hvis du afmelder dig fra nyhedsbrevet, sletter vi dine oplysninger.

Hvis du framelder dig vores nyhedsbrev, anonymiseres alle statistiske data om din brug af nyhedsbrevet. Anonymiseringen sker på en sådan måde, at det ikke efterfølgende er muligt at deanonymisere oplysningerne igen.

Dine øvrige rettigheder efter persondatalovgivningen

Du har til enhver tid mulighed for at gøre brug dine rettigheder efter persondatalovgivningen.

Du kan bl.a. anmode om indsigt i de personoplysninger, som vi behandler, samt gøre indsigelse mod behandlingen af oplysningerne. Du kan desuden anmode om berigtigelse eller sletning af eventuelle ukorrekte oplysninger om dig selv, trække et samtykke til behandling af dine personoplysninger tilbage samt gøre din ret til dataportabilitet gældende. I visse tilfælde kan du endvidere have ret til at få behandlingen af dine personoplysninger begrænset.

Hvis du ønsker at gøre brug af én eller flere af dine rettigheder, kan du kontakte cbm@dahllaw.dk.

Hvis du er uenig, i den måde vi behandler oplysninger om dig på, kan du klage til Datatilsynet.

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